Sunday, January 25, 2009

One-Hour French Bread

1 1/2 cups warm water
1 Tablespoon honey
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 1/2 Tablespoons Active Dry Yeast
3-4 cups flour (any combination of white and whole wheat)

Preheat oven to 375°.

Combine water, salt, honey and yeast in a medium bowl. Let sit 5-10 minutes, until bubbling.

Add flour, stirring with a wooden spoon, until dough is no longer sticky. Roll dough into a 12-14" roll (or divide in half and roll into two long skinny baguettes). Place dough on a cookie sheet (not a bread pan), greased or sprayed with non-stick spray. Cover dough with damp dish towel and allow it to sit in a warm location for 30 minutes.

Cut diagonal slits, 1/2" deep, on top of the loaf. Spray with salt water, if desired.

Bake 20-30 minutes.

I discovered this recipe by Sadge over on Simple, Green, Frugal Co-Op. It's the easiest recipe and, oh, so delicious!!

Note: The original recipe calls for a 450 degree oven; rising time of 20 minutes; baking time of 20 minutes. I've adjusted the oven temp, prep and baking time to my personal preference in order to achieve a less dense & doughy loaf of bread.


  1. Anonymous5:26 PM

    hmmm, I need to check in here more often- you've got some great stuff. I've pulled out the bread machine recently, but I've never liked the crusts it produces. Pook has been making the bread, so I'll let him try this one next time and see how he likes making them from scratch. Much more fun to play with!

  2. Anonymous4:15 PM

    ok, I couldn't wait. Bug and I made it for dinner. It was a little too doughy and dense, so I'd add 10 min to the rising time and decrease the oven temp to cook it 10 min longer. That'd make it One-Hour-Twenty-Minute French Bread which unfortunately doesn't sound as good. I used 1 cup of whole wheat with the rest AP flour.

  3. Jill - I should probably add a note to the recipe, as I think I did exactly what you did the second time around. Just forgot to make the notation on the original. 450 really is too hot. Glad you tried it though.

  4. I've been meaning to try baking bread at home - this recipe looks like it'd be a great starting place for me! Thanks for sharing it!

  5. Alison - You'll have to let me know how it turns out. Have fun! And be sure to eat it with REAL butter. :)

  6. I got the book Artisan Bread in 5 minutes a day and I LOVE IT. I loved fresh baked bread and now I can pretty much have it everyday if I want it. So far I've made the dough to use for pizza and focaccia which was great, the Vermont Cheddar Bread, which was okay, and the rye bread which was delicious! Ellie ate half of that loaf, she loved it so much. :)

    This looks delicious too! French bread is probably my favorite kind.

  7. Heather - I've been fondling that book at work! It looks fabulous. Glad to know the recipes are worth trying. Not sure I'll try the rye bread, though. Not my favorite flavor in the world. However, I would like to try the dough for focaccia. Yumm!

    Thanks for popping by. I have neglected this blog far too long. Time to do something about that.

  8. Just made this, and it turned out great. Like others, I added an additional 10-20 minutes onto the cooking time, but what a great quick recipe. Love the blog.

  9. The Husband - Glad you enjoyed the recipe. Thanks for the return visit to my blog. I really need to get busy and add some new recipes!

  10. I love love LOVE this recipe. I did it a little differently. Mixed the ingredients all at once and let rise about 25 minutes. I cooked it in my Emile Henry stewpot into one round loaf; 400 degrees for 20, removed lid, let brown. We couldn't get enough of it. SOOO good, even cold.

    I think I'm going to try this for hamburger buns.

  11. Linda, thanks for stopping by with your comment. I haven't made this bread in ages! I'm hoping to make it sometime in the coming week. It's been far too long.
